Task Description

Task name :

Write the Heritage lecture for the WWA L1.1 AtoN Manager course

Leading committee and working group owning the task: ENG WG 3
Tasks associated (*leading) :
Task Leader : Ke RAXUAN
Task Number : ENG-2.6.4
Standards : S1020 Marine Aids to Navigation Design and Delivery
Topic area : S1020.6 Heritage & Culture
Task Description : Write the Heritage lecture for the WWA L1.1 AtoN Manager course
Objectives of the task :
Expected outcome : New module on Heritage to include in the L1.1 course.
Compelling need :
Strategic Alignment :

O4 - Improve the provision and harmonisation of Marine Aids to Navigation globally, through targeted training, technical cooperation, and capacity building initiatives.

Scope :
Cybersecurity related :


Brief and concise description of the work : to be undertaken and programme mile-stones (where appropriate). Production of module outline, powerpoint presentation and teaching notes for a 90 minute module within the Level 1.1 AtoN Manager course
Expected numbers of sessions for completion :
Session 17 Session 18 Session 19 Session 20 Session 21 Session 22 Session 23
+ + v v v v v

Meaning of symbols for sessions :

v = ÷ + x > <
Scheduled Scheduled for breakout Unscheduled Progressed Not progressed Finalised On hold
Committee notes : Origins :
Approved by Council (Council session/Date) : 0
Notes from the council :
Status (Text) :
Status (Color) :
On track
Remarks :

History of the task :

2024-04-09 17:35:26


Initial thoughts and outline of timeframes to be provided at ENG18Action ItemThat Ke Raxuan is requested to coordinate WG3 work in creating the Heritage Module for the WWA L1.1 AtoN Manager Course through to completion within the Task Period and Navigation Institute of JiMei University is requested to support them in this.

2024-04-11 14:51:19

Ke Raxuan produced a detailed and beautifully presented powerpoint presentation a model for the kind of resource intended to accompany the module. The outline of the presentation followed the course outline of the WWA Level 1 C005 course ‘Historic Lighthouse Projects’ but after some discussion, it was decided that, the output should be more focussed on the specific needs of AtoN Managers (as this was whom the WWA Level 1 C001 course was aimed at) and also because the module would be just 90 minutes long it needed to be more focussed. Never-the-less, the powerpoint presented by Ke Raxuan was considered to provide a very useful model for that which would ultimately comprise part of the output of this task.
Some time was then spent discussing and agreeing the general objectives of the module which would then allow a framework of content to be agreed. The focus would be on practical solutions and there was to be considerable synergy with the output of Task ENG-2.6.2 Production of Technical or Guidance document on ‘good practice in modernising heritage lighthouses whilst minimising negative heritage impact’. WG3 participants would provide useful case studies to the Task Leader by end April 2024. The task output (when completed) will comprise a powerpoint presentation with accompanying notes, allowing the course tutor to easily (and without particular heritage expertise) deliver the module in a consistent manner.
The Dean of WWA and the IALA Advisor were present for the discussions and provided helpful direction. Further discussion led to a conclusion that a heritage and culture module for the WWA Level 1 C002 Master of AtoN Management course should also be written and that the WWA Level 1 C005 Historic Lighthouse Course would also benefit for review and relaunch. Both these were seen as likely tasks for the next task period.