Task Description

Task name :

Review Guideline G1159 on ship reporting from the shore side perspective

Leading committee and working group owning the task: ARM WG 2
Tasks associated (*leading) :
Task Leader :
Task Number : ARM-7.1.15
Standards : S1070 Information Services
Topic area : S1070.1 Data models and data encoding
Task Description :

Guideline for Coastal States on implementation of MSW

Objectives of the task :

Expected outcome :

Revised Guideline

Compelling need :

FAL requires Coastal States to implement a MSW by January 1st, 2024.

Many Coastal States are expected to face significant hurdles to implement a MSW, especially by January 1st, 2024.

Strategic Alignment :
Scope :

Topics for the Guideline:

1. Establish MSW Implementation Team with representatives from all stakeholders

2. Inventory current ship reporting processes and procedures

3. Establish a single national authority (CIM, Centralised information model)

4. Develop plan with all stakeholders to integrate their current ship reporting processes and procedures into a MSW environment.

5. Develop MSW Implementation plan.

6. Establish the MSW Hardware Infrastructure or use MSW Solution as a Service (MSW SaaS)

a. Certify MSW SaaS Providers

7. Adapt Open Source MSW code (or MSW SaaS) to fit a Coastal State’s environment

8. Establish Cybersecurity Environment or implement MCP

a. Certify MCP Service Providers (i.e. Navelink, others)

9. Extend the IMO Compendium Data Model to accommodate a Coastal State’s ship reporting requirements that go beyond the Compendium

10. Test MSW operation and compliance with FAL Convention

11. Train Stakeholders including Mariners

Cybersecurity related :


Brief and concise description of the work : to be undertaken and programme mile-stones (where appropriate).

1. Gain experience in assisting Coastal States with implementing an MSW

2. Develop Guideline

3. Get feedback from Coastal States on the value of the Guideline

4. Develop MSW Providers’ Certification Criteria

a. MSW SaaS

b. MCP

5. Certify MSW Service Providers

Expected numbers of sessions for completion :
Session 17 Session 18 Session 19 Session 20 Session 21 Session 22 Session 23

Meaning of symbols for sessions :

v = ÷ + x > <
Scheduled Scheduled for breakout Unscheduled Progressed Not progressed Finalised On hold
Committee notes : Origins :
Approved by Council (Council session/Date) : 0
Notes from the council :
Status (Text) :
Status (Color) :
Not started
Remarks :

History of the task :