VTS WG 3 Task plan

Meaning of symbols for sessions :

v + x > <
Scheduled Progressed Not progressed Finalised On hold
Standard Topic Area Task no. Task 54555657585960 Status (Text) Status (Color) Task leader Remarks
Leading : VTS
Leading : VTS WG 3
S1040 Vessel Traffic Services S1040.4 VTS auditing and assessing 3.4.1 Develop guidance on aptitudes required by VTS operators v v v v v
On track
Kelly Glew
S1050 Training and Certification S1050.1 Training and assessment 3.8.3 Develop a model course on incident response and crisis coordination Awaiting ARM
Not started
3.8.5 Training in implementation of digital solutions (data analytics & maritime informatics) v v v v Awaiting DTEC
Not started
3.8.1 Revision of G1103 Train the Trainer v v v v
Not started
3.8.2 Develop guidance for remote training in VTS v v v v v Ongoing
On track
Jillian Carson-Jackson
3.1.1 Develop guidance for dealing with stress or trauma in VTS operations v v v v v Ongoing
On track
Nisham Supian
3.8.6 Revision of G1027 on Simulation in VTS training v v v v Ongoing
On track
Stefaan Priem
3.8.7.a Revision of IALA VTS Model Courses a) C0103-2 VTS supervisor > Finished
Jillian Carson-Jackson

C79 approved revised C0103-2

3.8.7.c Revision of IALA VTS model course c) C0103-5 VTS Revalidation Process v v v Ongoing
On track
Jillian Carson-Jackson
3.8.7.b Revision of IALA VTS Model Course b) C0103-4 OJT Instructor v > Finished
Jillian Carson-Jackson

C80 approved revised C0103-4

3.8.4 WWA lesson plans to review Awaiting ENG
Not started
S1050.2 Accreditation, competency certification and revalidation 3.8.8 Consider including English language competency requirements in VTS operations v v v v v Ongoing
On track
Seunghee Choi
No Standards No Standards 3.9.1 Consider relevant VTS documents to be revised /updated v v v v v v v Ongoing
On track
Jillian Carson Jackson