IALA - Work Plan

ARM Committee Task plan

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Meaning of symbols for sessions :

v = ÷ + x > <
Scheduled Scheduled for breakout Unscheduled Progressed Not progressed Finalised On hold
Standard Topic Area Task no. Task 17181920212223 Status (Text) Status (Color) Task leader Remarks
Leading : ARM
S1070 Information Services S1070.1 Data models and data encoding 7.1.7 Continue development on MRN documentation, considering inputs from IALA Secretariat, other committees, or others as needed
Not started
Leading : ARM WG 1
S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning And Service Requirements S1010.1 Obligations and regulatory compilance 1.1.1 Monitor IMO work on STCW and develop IMO submissions and supporting advice on amendments to STCW in respect of IALAs inclusion within the Convention to cover AtoN training for navigators.
Not started
1.1.2 Consider developing guidance on the certification of technical equipment, information systems and technical infrastructure related to MASS in the domain of IALA
Not started
S1010.2 Aids to Navigation planning 1.2.1 Compile new Guideline on AtoN Buoy Tender requirements and specification
Not started
1.2.2 Compile guidance for buoy tender activities
Not started
1.2.3 Full review of Guideline G1078 The Use of AtoN in the Design of Fairways
Not started
1.2.4 Development of aspects of digital communications, including promoting broadband connectivity for operational technology.
Not started
1.2.5 Guidance on the use of simple IOT sensors on physical aids
Not started
1.2.6 Develop further guidance for navigators on the use of AtoN
Not started
1.2.7 Prepare an appropriate submission to IMO advising of the publication of the updated MBS highlighting MATON and MASS content. >

Nigel Hare

1.2.8 Develop guidance on the provision of Marine AtoN for autonomous vehicle/vessel operations (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship, MASS).
Not started
1.2.9 Review relevant sections of the NAVGUIDE
Not started
S1010.4 Risk management 1.4.1 Develop comprehensive guidance that will assist members enhance the safety of navigation and environmental protection in / around offshore renewable energy installations (OREI). vvv
Not started
1.4.2 Consider the development of IALA as a facilitator for an ISAC (Information Sharing and Analysis Centre) in relation to cyber security.
Not started
S1010.5 Quality management 1.5.1 Develop a recommendation and guideline consolidating content from G1030, G1035 and G1004.
Not started
1.5.2 Revision of Guideline 1052 on Quality Management in Marine Aids to Navigation Service Delivery
Not started
1.5.3 Revise Recommendation R0132 Quality management for AtoN authorities
Not started
S1020 Marine Aids to Navigation Design and Delivery S1020.1 Aids to Navigation signalling 2.1.1 Consider developing guidance on the marking of test areas for autonomous vessels and vehicles, ice roads and competition and event areas etc
Not started
S1020.2 Design, Implementation & Maintenance 2.2.1 Full review of A-126, G1084 and other AIS associated documentation >
Not started
2.2.1 Develop Recommendation and Guideline on the use of Drones for AtoN inspection and maintenance
Not started
2.2.2 Develop an IALA guideline on the Maritime Architecture Framework
Not started
S1020.3 Floating Aids to Navigation 2.3.1 Update G1066 Design of floating AtoN moorings
Not started
S1040 Vessel Traffic Services S1040.1 VTS Implementation 4.1.1 Develop guidance on delineating the VTS area
Not started
S1050 Training and Certification S1050.1 Training and assessment 5.1.1 Develop a model course on incident response and crisis coordination
Not started
5.1.2 Training in implementation of digital solutions (data analytics & maritime informatics)
Not started
5.1.3 WWA lesson plans to review
Not started
S1050.2 Accreditation, competency certification and revalidation 5.2.1 Develop a model course on AtoN Cyber Security arrangements
Not started
5.2.2 Create S-100 model course
Not started
S1060 Digital Communication Technologies S1060.1 Wide and medium bandwith systems 6.1.1 Review G1050 Management and Monitoring of AIS Information
Not started
S1060.3 Harmonised maritime connectivity 6.3.1 Review und update G1062 Establishment of AIS as a [Marine] Aid to Navigation
Not started
6.3.2 Recommendation for the AIS Service vvvvv
Not started

6.3.3 Review of the contents of A-124 series recommendations
Not started
6.3.4 Define user requirements for Maritime Connectivity, Maritime Internet of Things (IoT), and MRN addressing (may be three subtasks) v=vv
Not started
S1070 Information Services S1070.1 Data models and data encoding 7.1.3 New Guideline on Operational considerations for S-200 (S-201 AtoN information and S-230 Application Specific Messages)
Not started
7.1.9 Coordinate Committee support and submissions for IALA representation at IHO working groups in cooperation with Secretariat (HSSC, S-100WG, NIPWG)
Not started
S1070.3 Terminology, symboly and portrayal 7.1.13 Develop guidance on the symbology and portrayal of AtoN for charting
Not started
Leading : ARM WG 2
S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning And Service Requirements S1010.4 Risk management 1.4.3 New guideline in support of the recommendation on Cyber security vvv
Not started
S1020 Marine Aids to Navigation Design and Delivery S1020.2 Design, Implementation & Maintenance 2.2.3 Develop an IALA recommendation and guideline on the Harmonized National Waterway Concept vvvvvvv
Not started
S1070 Information Services S1070.1 Data models and data encoding 7.1.1 Develop guidance on Digital Fairway vvvvvvv
Not started
7.1.10 Monitor the development of S-201 Testbed vv=vvvv
Not started
7.1.11 Develop, implement and execute procedures for IALA to add, maintain and harmonize items to the IHO S-100 feature concept dictionary(FCD). vvvvv
Not started
7.1.12 Create S-200 Implementation Plan, following similar S-100 Implementation Strategy and/or Roadmap vvvvv
Not started
7.1.15 Review Guideline G1159 on ship reporting from the shore‐side perspective
Not started
7.1.2 Contribute to the standardization efforts with respect of the requirements of the S-100 domain experts vvvvvvv
Not started
7.1.4 Continue development on S-201, specifically on Maintenance, data validation, and harmonization with S-125, S-124, and S-101 vvvvvvv
Not started
7.1.5 Coordinate with IHO on implementation of IALA PS into S-98 vvvvvvv
Not started
7.1.6 Continue development on S-125 in coordination with IHO NIPWG vvvvvvv
Not started
7.1.8 Review Guideline G1106 on producing an IALA S-200 series Product Specification vvvvvvv
Not started
S1070.2 Data exchange systems 7.1.14 Development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information
Not started
Leading : ARM WG 3
S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning And Service Requirements S1010.4 Risk management 1.4.10 Develop a Guideline for Risk Assessment and Cyber Security
Not started
1.4.11 Develop guidance on measurement to monitor waterway risk
Not started
New task (ARM17-11.4.3)
1.4.4 Review Risk Management related documentation. Update as per ongoing risk toolbox developments.
Not started
1.4.5 Develop a method to quantify and evaluate various risk mitigation options ++
Not started
1.4.6 Encourage IALA members and other organisations to share historic AIS and other vessel tracking data with IALA. IALA aims to use such data for risk assessment, research and training purposes.
Not started
1.4.7 Conduct a global scan of current risk analysis tools and identify potential candidates for inclusion within the IALA Risk Management Toolbox.
Not started
1.4.8 Monitor the IRMAS reporting tool, ensuring it meets the requirements for future records of risk management. Ensure the form is modified as required.
Not started
1.4.9 Ensure long term sustainable supportability for IWRAP Software.
Not started
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