IALA - Work Plan

VTS Committee Task plan

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Meaning of symbols for sessions :

v = ÷ + x > <
Scheduled Scheduled for breakout Unscheduled Progressed Not progressed Finalised On hold
Standard Topic Area Task no. Task 54555657585960 Status (Text) Status (Color) Task leader Remarks
Leading : VTS
S1040 Vessel Traffic Services S1040.5 VTS data and Information management 2.5.1 Revise G1177 Portrayal of VTS information
Not started
S1070 Information Services S1070.1 Data models and data encoding 1.8.6 Harmonization of VTS data elements (internal and external integration)
Not started
Leading : VTS WG 1
S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning And Service Requirements S1010.2 Aids to Navigation planning 1.8.1 Develop guidance on the certification of technical equipment, information systems and technical infrastructure related to MASS in the domain of IALA
Not started
1.8.2 Review relevant sections of NAVGUIDE in cooperation with the Secretariat Awaiting ARM
Not started
1.8.3 Develop guidance on the provision of AtoN and risk management for autonomous vehicle/vessel operations (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship, MASS) Awaiting DTEC
Not started
S1010.4 Risk management 1.8.5 Enhancing the safety and efficiency of navigation around offshore installations Awaiting ARM
Not started
2.8.4 Develop a Guideline for Risk Assessment and Cyber Security
On track
S1010.5 Quality management 1.8.4 Develop a guideline on quality management system for VTS vvv
On track
Trond Ski
S1040 Vessel Traffic Services S1040.1 VTS Implementation 1.1.2 Develop guidance for establishing a compliance and enforcement framework by participating ships in a VTS area
Not started
1.1.3.a Develop guidance on the implications of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) from a VTS perspective vv>
On track
Neil Trainor
1.1.3.b Develop guidance on the implications of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) from a VTS perspective vvv
Not started
1.1.4 Develop guidance on delineating the VTS area vvv
Not started
1.1.5 Develop guidance to assist competent authorities for VTS establish an appropriate policy and regulatory framework to meet their obligations vvv
Not started
Els Bogaert
S1040.2 VTS Operations 1.2.1 Develop guidance for digital route exchange within VTS operations
Not started
S1040.3 VTS Communications 1.3.1 Develop guidance on VTS digital communications ++vv
Not started
Fredrik Karlsson
1.3.2 Review and update IMO Resolution A.918(22) on SMCP vvvv
On track
Heidi Clevett
No Standards No Standards 1.9.1 Consider updating G1111-1 to include guidance on VTS Management Information Systems Consider relevant VTS documents to be revised /updated
Not started
1.9.2 Continuous update of the VTS Manual >>vvvvv
On track
Neil Trainor
1.9.3 Review the VTS questionnaire and conduct a digital global survey
Not started
Trond Ski / Els Bogaert
1.9.4 Proceed with the "living document" on "Future VTS", including emerging technologies and Human Element
Not started
Leading : VTS WG 2
S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning And Service Requirements S1010.4 Risk management 2.8.4 Review and update Recommendation R0145 (V-145) on the Inter-VTS Exchange Format (IVEF) Service
Not started
S1020 Marine Aids to Navigation Design and Delivery S1020.2 Design, Implementation & Maintenance 2.8.6 Develop Recommendation and Guideline on the use of Drones for AtoN inspection and maintenance Awaiting ARM
Not started
S1040 Vessel Traffic Services S1040.5 VTS data and Information management 2.5.2 Develop Technical Service Specifications for VTS vvvvvv
Not started
Thosmas Christensen
2.5.2.a Develop Technical Service Specification for VTS Traffic Clearance vvvv
Not started
Wim Smets
2.5.2.b Develop Technical Service Specifications for Route Exchange
Not started
S1040.6 VTS technologies 2.6.1 Update G1111-1 Producing requirements for the core VTS system v<v
Not started
2.8.5 Full review of A-126, G1084 and other AIS associated documentation Awaiting ARM
Not started
S1060 Digital Communication Technologies S1060.3 Harmonised maritime connectivity 2.8.7 Develop guidance on Digital VHF communication
Not started
S1070 Information Services S1070.1 Data models and data encoding 2.8.1 Develop a Product Specification S-212 for VTS on digital information vvvvvv
Not started
Wim Smets
2.8.2 Review and update Recommendation R0145 ++
Not started
S1070.3 Terminology, symboly and portrayal V2.8.8 Develop guidance on the symbology and portrayal of AtoN for charting
Not started
No Standards No Standards 2.9.1 Consider relevant VTS documents to be revised /updated
Not started
Leading : VTS WG 3
S1040 Vessel Traffic Services S1040.4 VTS auditing and assessing 3.4.1 Develop guidance on aptitudes required by VTS operators ÷+vvv
Not started
Kelly Glew
S1050 Training and Certification S1050.1 Training and assessment 3.1.1 Develop guidance for dealing with stress or trauma in VTS operations vvvvv
Not started
Nisham Supian
3.8.1 Revision of G1103 Train the Trainer
Not started
3.8.2 Develop guidance for remote training in VTS
Not started
3.8.3 Develop a model course on incident response and crisis coordination
Not started
3.8.4 WWA lesson plans to review
Not started
3.8.5 Training in implementation of digital solutions (data analytics & maritime informatics)
Not started
3.8.6 Revision of G1027 on Simulation in VTS training
On track
Stefaan Priem
3.8.7.a Revision of IALA VTS Model Courses a) C0103-2 VTS supervisor >
Not started
Jillian Carson-Jackson
3.8.7.b Revision of IALA VTS Model Course b) C0103-4 OJT Instructor training +>
On track
Jillian Carson Jackson
3.8.7.c Revision of IALA VTS model course c) C0103-5 VTS Revalidation Process vvv
Not started
S1050.2 Accreditation, competency certification and revalidation 3.8.8 Consider including English language competency requirements in VTS operations ++vvv
On track
Seunghee Choi
No Standards No Standards 3.9.1 Consider relevant VTS documents to be revised /updated
Not started
Jillian Carson Jackson
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